Friday, November 11, 2022

Did you know? The world of meditations


 I am sure you know that yoga and different sorts of meditations are very popular topics today. But did you know that it takes as lot of practice to get really good benefits form both of them? Usually people tell me they meditate and meditate and nothing happens just blackness before their eyes...

I practice different sorts of meditations since I was 18 years old. More or less frequently. This means I have practiced meditations for 29 years now. How did it help me? How does it work? What benefits do I have from it? Is it simply just a vaste of time? Why are some meditations better than the others? Why on Earth would you waste time and simply just sit around with your eyes closed? That is so irresponsible isn't it? ...And so on and so forth the questions start to repeat themselves trough my life trough meditations though thoughts and I am sure you have the same questions. All this can drive you mad and make you throw all your practice simply out of the window but beare with me on this. There is much more to come...

How does it help if you meditate?

this is one of the first questions that you usually ask before you start anything. How does it help?  And it is a totally legit question since we lack help and security on daily basis in our  lives. We are on the quest to find happiness and luck and wealth and so forth.Yes the good things as we call them. Nobody wants the bad things to happen in their lives and above all if they do happen we want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Right? And here is where we stomp on the bomb. Struggle for surviving in this crazy world where we are feed and bombarded with horrific news and images on daily basis no..sorry on completely almost every moment basis it becomes no wonder we get sad , lonely and depressed because we are internally fragile beings since birth. So called tough skin comes with years of hardships and all sorts of humiliations through our lives from people who themselves got tough skin through hardships and humiliations.You see the cycle?

Seeing this cycle should be your first stepping stone to understand how the meditation can help in all your life situations. It is very simple actually isn't it? But let us go further and find another stone which we can put on the top of the first one...

I would say that not only horrific bad news affects us in a negative way but also the so- called good news such as seeing wealthy people smiling at us from web pages or luxury assets which only the rich and famous can buy and we are only the innocent by standers who suffer can't make it in this world. Seeing happy coupples getting married but we stand alone. So unjust.We get happy when they get divorced so that we can then say: 'We knew it wouldn't last!' Nobody likes such comments about their lives but it gives them a hard skin because they must cope with such comments. Some of us sadly can not get tough like that. I think that happened to Diana. Such a sad story. We all know it but we can not change it. We can only change our selves. 

Changing our selves should be our second stone and understanding in order to find the answer.

Why can't we simply change the world? 
The Eric Clapton song Change the world has really great lyrics and on the top also fantastic guitar peace if you hadn't yet do listen to it. Enjoy!  

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